GiveBIG for the Issaquah Alps!

The Alps are calling, be the answer 


For nearly 45 years, the Issaquah Alps Trails Club has been dedicated to advocacy, education, and conservation in the Issaquah Alps. We have contributed to the protection of more than 13,000 acres of land on Tiger and 5,000 on Cougar and Squak, preservation of over a hundred miles of trails throughout the Alps, and the creation of Grand Ridge and Talus open spaces, which saved over 80% of 2,223 acres of land from development. We continue to commit ourselves to these beautiful mountains we call home through continued advocacy, outreach, a burgeoning restoration program, and ongoing education. But we need your help!

Last year, our Hikes with a Purpose program welcomed 400+ attendees at 50+ events. Svet, one of the participants, shares his experience and the impact it had on him: 

  1. Restoration and planting 🌲: I planted my first tree at a Park Pointe restoration event with Anne Newcomb. I was so thrilled that my wife and I returned to see it. 

  2. Appreciating delicate ecosystems 🌲 + 🐟: On a hike through wetland areas with Dan Hintz, I discovered how vital trees are for providing shade to salmon. It is amazing how interconnected nature is and how delicate its balance can be.  

  3. Observing climate impacts firsthand ☀️: I first observed western red cedar dieback during a hike with IATC co-founder David Kappler. Even though I’ve seen the cedars many times in the Issaquah Alps, I hadn’t realized their vulnerability to climate change.” 

Your support will make a difference!

Donate $50, $20, or any amount, to help us expand our programs and support our staff capacity. Your contribution will fund 50 educational hikes and 20 restoration events in 2024. Your support enhances our efforts to conserve, educate about and advocate for the land, wildlife, and trails of the Issaquah Alps for present and future generations. 

P.S. Inspired by his experiences, Svet joined the IATC board to focus on Communications!

Nicole Assumpcao