2024 Letter from the IATC President

By Kelly Jiang

With the new year, IATC welcomed three new board members and voted in new board officers, while saying goodbye (for now) to several long-serving board members. 

After serving as Vice President for the last year, I was honored to be voted by my fellow board members as IATC Board President. Ryan McIrvin was voted as Vice President. Ryan and I are looking forward to collaborating closely with IATC’s executive director, Nicole Assumpcao, to achieve IATC’s mission of conservation, education, and advocacy for the land, wildlife, and trails of the Issaquah Alps for present and future generations.

New Board Members

We are excited to welcome Selena Eon, Joel Gartenberg, and Svetoslav Semov as our three newest IATC board members. They each bring a unique perspective as avid trail users in the Issaquah Alps, as well as diverse skillsets from their professional careers. 

Selena Eon

Selena Eon is an avid hiker and peakbagger based in Issaquah. She is out in the Issaquah Alps nearly every day and loves the easy accessibility to trails that they offer. As a naturopathic doctor, Selena is a big advocate for her patients to get “Vitamin N” (for nature). She loves the Issaquah Alps in every season, but particularly the spring when the wildflowers are blooming. Keep your eyes peeled for plant identification hikes led by Dr. Selena Eon this spring!


Joel Gartenberg

Joel Gartenberg, also known as "Captain Croc," has deep roots in the Issaquah Alps. His 100 mile trail running adventures (often in Crocs and Hawaiian shirts) reflect a unique blend of fun, respect for the wilderness and a desire to get things done! Currently serving as a Communications Specialist at Costco Wholesale, Joel hopes to bring a vibrant voice to the Issaquah Alps Trails Club. With a passion for community connections and conservation, Joel's local upbringing adds a personal touch to his commitment to preserving the natural beauty of the Issaquah Alps. Joel’s croc running has been highlighted in the Seattle Times, and he is excited to serve on the board of IATC!


Svetoslav Semov

Svet is a data scientist and economist. He moved to the PNW area in 2017 and fell in love with local nature. It was the small things that drew him in and taught him to see and appreciate it - the plants that grow on other plants (epiphytes, or air plants) like moss and fern, the nurse logs that give life to new seedlings, the somewhat delicious fruits of the Himalayan berry, a noxious weed.

Svet and his wife moved to Newcastle in 2022 and they regularly explore the Issaquah Alps together. He credits his wife with keeping his curiosity about nature and wildlife alive even when he’s sometimes too distracted to see them. He wants to share with others the benefits of preserving, enjoying, and connecting to nature. He is passionate about policy issues and looks forward to diving into the intersections between local organizations, policy-making, climate change, and making change at scale.


Retiring Board Members

Anne Newcomb and Kaytlyn Gerbin stepped down from the board as their three-year terms ended in early 2024. We are incredibly thankful for all their contributions to IATC over the years. 

Anne Newcomb

Most recently, Anne Newcomb served as IATC’s Board President in 2023. As IATC President, Anne provided renewed focus on restoration events and ensuring that IATC had a tangible impact on forest health through Green Issaquah. Anne also received a Community Environmental Award from the City of Issaquah for her work with IATC and through the City of Issaquah’s Environmental Commission. In her time as Board President, Anne navigated through a staff transition, stepping in as interim Executive Director for several months while we searched for an Executive Director. While she is stepping away from the Board, she will stay involved through Green Issaquah and other restoration programs. We look forward to allowing Anne a much-deserved break from her IATC responsibilities, and look forward to rolling up our sleeves to dig up some invasive species with her at upcoming Green Issaquah events!


Kaytlyn Gerbin

Kaytlyn Gerbin has served on the IATC board since 2019, most recently as the communications committee chair. Kaytlyn is also a world-class ultrarunner, with accomplishments like 3rd place at UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc) and the FKT (Fastest Known Time) on the Wonderland Trail around Mt. Rainier. She has been an inspiration for many trail runners, including myself, to become involved in conservation groups, and has been a great spokesperson for IATC and our local conservation issues both inside and outside of the running community. While Kaytlyn is stepping away from the board as her current term has ended, she plans to return in 2025 to continue her great work. 


Kelly Jiang