IATC and Green Issaquah Volunteers Continue Work at Berntsen Park

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The Green Issaquah Partnership is a collaboration between the City of Issaquah and local environmental nonprofits to improve the health of habitats in Issaquah through restoration projects. The Issaquah Alps Trails Club has been hosting Green Issaquah events at Berntsen Park near downtown Issaquah. This past week, we had some fantastic volunteers removing invasive weeds along Issaquah Creek, which runs through the park.

Berntsen Park is located just off of Gilman Blvd near downtown Issaquah. Issaquah Creek, which supports Sockeye, Coho, and Chinook Salmon, runs through Berntsen Park before flowing through Confluence Park just to the south. While it is a small park, its role as a crucial habitat for local wildlife makes it important to maintain.


During the summer, habitat restoration means removing invasive weeds like Blackberry, English Ivy, and Holly. To remove these species, volunteers will cut back unwieldy portions of the plants or parts that are immediately threatening to surrounding native plants before digging out the roots with a shovel.

Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join Green Issaquah events! There is something for everyone to do when it comes to restoration.

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If you’re interested in joining a Green Issaquah event, please see our upcoming opportunities!

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