City of Issaquah Celebrates it's 50th Earth Day


Since 1970 Earth Day has been celebrated in the United States on April 22nd, and globally celebrated since 1990. Earth Day was founded by U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson, as a way to bring the growing environmental movement into the national political agenda. On that first Earth Day 20 million Americans demonstrated in rallies across the U.S. supporting a healthy sustainable environment. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, and while we may not be able to gather, there are still many ways you can celebrate!

The City of Issaquah and Earth Day Northwest are asking that we commit our next five actions towards sustainability. Some of their suggestions include planting a garden, picking up trash, buying Green Power from your utility company, or donating to a local environmental non-profit. See their full list here, or visit Earth Day Northwest to join their #NextFive campaign.

Additionally, the City of Issaquah is hosting three online seminars centering around sustainability and the environment. The first one is this Saturday, April 18th on Sustainable Food Gardening. Check it out here or visit City of Issaquah’s Earth Day Page for more information on all three seminars. We hope you will join us and the City of Issaquah in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day this year in whatever way you can.

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