History Corner - The Grand Traverse


Thirty years ago (1988) club leader Jack Hornung had the wild-and-crazy idea to organize a hike traversing Cougar Mountain, Squak Mountain and Tiger Mountain, all in a day (about 26 miles). It became known as the “Grand Traverse.” A commemorative badge was given to all those who finished the hike. One of the finishers was Larry Ostrom who has shared the photo of his badge. Thanks for sharing, Larry!

The Grand Traverse was repeated the following year in 1989, and declared to be an annual event. Things took a different course, though, as the vision for the Grand Traverse expanded into what became known as the Mountains to Sound March from Snoqualmie Pass to Puget Sound. This was the impetus for the organization we now know as the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust. A humble beginning blossomed into a Big Idea!

Learn more about that Big Idea here: http://mtsgreenway.org

Tom Anderson