IATC welcomes Nicole Assumpcao as our new Executive Director!

After connecting with over 14 applicants and interviewing 8 stellar candidates, the IATC hiring committee is happy to welcome Nicole Assumpcao as our new Executive Director!


Nicole is an avid trail runner, enjoys baking, traveling, exploring nature and is a big dog lover. After graduate school she returned to live with her parents, who had moved to Issaquah, where she connected deeply with the Issaquah Alps. Nicole recently joined the IATC Communications Committee and along with Quinlyn Mullaney and has been volunteering as Editor.  Nicole has also helped out at restoration events and volunteered her time to help create a very successful GiveBig campaign. 

Born in Brazil, Nicole is a native Portuguese speaker. She also speaks Spanish and is learning Chinese. Considering how much fun Nicole is to visit with it is only fitting she can converse in many languages!  


Nicole has had a very interesting work and study history including:

  • 2013-  Studied abroad in El Salvador with focus on social justice and outreach to marginalized communities

  • 2015- Global Health Field Placement Award received to undertake water quality research in peri-urban communities surrounding Iquitos, Peru

  • 2017- Outdoors for All adaptive recreation day camp counselor.

  • 2019-2023 UW Research Project Coordinator for the International Centers of Excellence in Malaria Research both domestically and in India


We look forward to working with Nicole to continue our important mission of engaging the public to preserve, protect, and promote the land, wildlife, and trails of the Issaquah Alps for present and future generations.

Anne Newcomb